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Words by Judith Weinshall Liberman
Music by Stephen Feig
Copyright © 2023 by Judith Weinshall Liberman

Have you ever wondered
Why there's no end to war,
Why young men go to battle
Though they'll die by the score,

Why mankind cannot figure
How to have a rebirth,
Put an end to bloodshed
And bring true peace on earth?

When I think of the wars
That young men have fought
From man's early days,
And the mayhem they brought,

All the wounding and killing,
The places burned down,
And the rape and the torture
That should grown men astound;

When I ponder the pain,
All the heartache wars brought,
Not only to those who
Themselves in wars fought,

But to loved ones they left
When they set out to find
Some glory or treasure
For those left behind;

I ask: Why does man
Keep fighting those wars?
Why does mankind kill
Its young by the scores?

When I fathom the great things
Men could have accomplished
If they were not killed
And their dreams thus demolished,

All the music, the art,
The writings and more
They could have created
For us to explore,

And inventions and new ways
Of looking at things,
And plans and great projects
Us rapture could bring,

I think that the best men
Were lost in a war.
The loss of their minds
And their hearts I deplore.

I ask: Why does man
Keep fighting those wars?
Why does mankind kill
Its young by the scores?

I know then why men
Have never been able
To end war forever,
Lead lives that are stable,

Why the answer that's needed
Has never been found
And man's wars continue
And always abound.

I think that the answer
Is quite simply this:
The young men who perished -
And their offspring we miss -

Are nowhere around.
They were lost in some war.
They can't solve wars' problem.
Thus we'll always have more.

Have you ever wondered
Why there's no end to war,
Why young men go to battle
Though they'll die by the score,

Why mankind cannot travel
The road to rebirth,
Put an end to bloodshed
And bring peace on earth?

It's because we have lost
Our bravest and best.
They perished in battle
And now in graves rest.

If they were still here
And their young had been born,
They'd figure out how
To create man's new morn!